Social Events

The social secretary is responsible for arranging all the fun events throughout the year. Read below to find out about some of the things we get up to, and if you have any ideas please get in touch. There is no reputation attached to archery and we don't mind what you drink, be it tap water or surgical spirits, as long as you're having a good time with the rest of the club! Members are welcome turn up to as many or as few social events as they wish. Some are so sociable that they never seem to shoot, whilst others shoot so much they rarely find time to socialise! The only thing for certain is that everyone finds a comfortable balance to suit themselves.
Upcoming Social Events
Date | Event | Location | Details |
- Pub Trips - During Michaelmas and Lent members often head for a drink after our Friday evening shooting session at the sports centre, usually to somewhere towards the centre of town (The Anchor is a popular choice). If you want to come along, simply stay until the end of the shooting session or contact someone who is.
- Formals - We are always keen to organise formals at as many colleges as we can, and these are often well attended by many club members. If you think you might be able to help with this, please get in contact with the social secretaries.
- Annual Dinner - The highlight of the social calendar is the annual dinner. This is a meal at one of the colleges and provides a chance to dress up and enjoy a fantastic evening. It is always well attended by the club, committee, and often a few alumni.
- Cuppers Barbeque - In May Week each year, once exams are all over, we have the annual intercollegiate Cuppers tournament which is then followed by a barbeque. This is always great fun, and a nice way to end the year or take little relaxation during the excitement of May Week.
- BUTTS League Socials - After each BUTTS league match we go for a meal with the four other universities that were shooting with us. This is a fantasitic opportunity to socialise 'outside the bubble' and make friends with archers from other universities. The final BUTTS event (the BUTTS Championships) is followed by the BUTTS Ball which gives all the league archers a chance to dress up before letting their hair down. Each BUTTS leg is always followed by the BUTTS boat race, so if you are proud of your pint-downing abilities make yourself known to the social secretaries!
- Other Events - A variety of other social events are arranged throughout the year by the social secretaries. Recent examples include cooking pancakes, pub crawls, and a curry.