Important Documents

These are some of the important documents with which CUB members should familiarise themselves.

Club Constitution

The club constitution sets out the basic principles by which the club is goverened, and which all members should adhere to.

Membership and Safety Forms

All members are required to complete a membership form at the start of each academic year in order to renew their membership to the club. Beginners will also be required to fill in this form when they join. The link to the form will be provided by the Secretary and/or Novice Officer as applicable.

Club membership runs from October 1st to September 30th each year.

Experienced archers wishing to become a member should contact the club Captain.

Safety and Welfare Documentation

The following documents relate to the safety and general welfare of the club. All members should familiarise themselves with them and ensure that they conduct themselves in a manner that is safe for both themselves and others.

These documents are reviewed on a regular basis in line with Archery GB and Cambridge University Sport recommmendations.

Data Protection and Social Media

Below are documents relating to the electronic aspects of the club. The club keeps records of it's members each year in accordance with our data protection policy.

The presence of members on the internet and social media should be kept appropriate in accordance with the clubs social media policy.


Below are documents relating specifically to shooting. All members are expected to display good etiquette, act as good sportspeople, and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner as set out in the code of conduct.

It is expected that all members are familiar with the rules of the sport as set out by ArcheryGB, the national governing body, and World Archery.

All AGB members can access AGB documents via Sport80, but copies have been provided here for ease.

Taster Sessions

The document below outlines the policy on taster sessions and bring-a-friend sessions. Please refer to it when requested to be accompanied by a non-member individual or group.