Want to compete against other universities? Interesting in joining a sport along side other Cambridge colleges? Want to use an upgraded and nicer bow to take your shooting to competitive level? The novice squad might be just right for you.

What is the Novice Squad?
A novice in archery is anyone who is within their first 12 months of learning the sport. At CUB, we use ‘novice’ to refer to our squad of competitive beginner archers.
Specifically, the novice squad is for beginners who want to develop their archery to a competitive level. Novices receive extra coaching beyond that provided by the beginners' course, as well as exclusive shooting sessions and the opportunity to rent a higher quality bow from the club.
The novice squad presents an ideal opportunity to compete in fun and friendly events as a total beginner, but with the coaching, training, and support to take home medals and prizes.
We are looking for enthusiastic beginners who are willing to put in the extra effort to represent their university at competitions, who want to learn and improve, and who want to be part of a team.
We don't expect you to shoot like an expert right away - only that you will be enthusiastic to start your journey in the sport!
What is the commitment like?
Being on the novice squad requires a time commitment of three training sessions per week during term time: a coaching session on Wednesday mornings (7-9am), a practice session (Monday morning or Friday evening), and a strength & conditioning session on Thursday mornings. Novices also attend competitions on occasional weekends.
Novices are loaned a metal bow, for a reduced rate of £10 per term. Our novices will be taught how to look after their bow for the year, and be expected to bring it to all training sessions.
As spaces on the squad are limited, any novice who doesn't keep up with training sessions or regular competing will be removed from the squad.
What do you get out of it?
Firstly, novices get to represent CUB and the University at competitions, including Varsity - which will be running this year for the 75th time. This means the chance for medals and awards (and possibly even half-Blues for the really high-flyers!). Novices also get their own bow and a greater amount of coaching time, meaning they typically improve faster and get a head start in the sport.
Being part of the novice squad also means being at the heart of the club socially. Novices train with experienced archers, travel and meet archers from all over the country, and become important members of the team. All and all, being on the novice squad is truly a quintessential Cambridge experience!
If you have further questions, you can contact the Novice Officer, who will be making the squad selection and coaching the squad. You can also visit us at the Sports Fair and Freshers Fair at the start of Michaelmas term each year to chat more.