Experienced Archers
The club is open to students and staff of the University of Cambridge.
New experienced joiners
If you shoot regularly and have just arrived in Cambridge, or are dusting off your kit and hoping to start again, please get in touch with either the captain or committee and let us know a bit about your archery experience.
We will arrange for you to come to one of our regular shooting sessions, where we will check that you can shoot safely and answer any questions you have about the club, after which you can complete the membership form if you want to continue shooting with us.

All experienced archers - including returning members - need to fill out our online membership form and pay club fees before to be able to shoot with us for the year.
Club Fees
As CUB is a non-profit entity, all club fees go directly into the running of the club. For example, these funds are used to maintain our equipment, cover competition entry fees, insure the club, and pay for venue hire.
Membership Fees
Basic club membership fees include affiliation to ArcheryGB (the national governing body for archery), Cambridgeshire Archery Association (CAA), and the Southern Counties Archery Society (SCAS). This includes all the required insurance and allows you to shoot at any of the sessions at the University Sports Centre or Churchill College.
This also insures you to attend sessions at any other UK archery club, including non-university clubs. Note that many other clubs are likely to charge a range fee for attending their sessions.
The club fees for this year are as follows:
- University of Cambridge students - £90
- Non-students - £120

Affiliation for non-students
If you wish to join our club as a non-student (which includes university staff, postdoctoral researchers, and club alumni) then you cannot be affiliated to Archery GB under our system, and will instead be required to affiliate as a direct member.
Information about affiliating directly can be found here (ArcheryGB Membership Services). Archers should purchase Senior Membership (£60/year) unless eligible for Junior or Disabled Senior Membership.
Please contact the club secretary if you have questions about membership.
We regularly compete in a number of events throughout the year at a club, regional and national level. All members of the club are welcome to attend, subject the availability of spaces. The club covers or subsidises the cost of entry fees for our main student leagues (e.g., TOUCAN and BUCS), but archers will typically be required to contribute to their own transport costs.